
This study aims to find out the picture of toxic relationships experienced by adolescents dating. This type of research is a type of qualitative research with phenomenological methods. The data collection methods used are interviews and observations. The data collection technique used is the purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used consist of preparing data, reading the entire data, coding data, applying the results of data coding into themes to be analyzed, presenting themes in the form of narratives, and interpreting data. The results showed that the three subjects, namely az, GN, and RA subjects, experienced toxic relationships while in a courtship relationship. This is influenced by factors from within each of them when deciding to start a relationship. The toxic relationships they have experienced have caused a lot of harm to themselves both in terms of physical, mental, and academic. This makes the three subjects more careful if they want to get to know new people and assume that a toxic relationship can never be repaired.


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